Experience Island Life by Taking in a Caribbean Festival
Most people who visit the Caribbean only ever get acquainted with its extensive
beaches and pristine water. But once you travel inland a-ways you open yourself
up to a whole new side of the Caribbean. Islanders are a product of their
environment, meaning that they’re full of mirth and never turn down an
opportunity to party. To experience the people of the Caribbean at the height
of their celebrations, head south via your bareboat charter and partake in one of the many extravagant
festivals the Caribbean has to offer.
every island puts on a carnival that’s boast worthy, it’s Trinidad and Tobago that takes the
cake. As
the sixth most populous country in the region, T&T has the manpower and the
joviality to turn its capitol, the Port of Spain, into the most happening place
in the Caribbean every year on the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. The
non-stop two-day festival is full of dancing, eating, drinking, and
masquerading. If you’re expecting to kick back with your feet up and take in
the festivities, think again. Participation is highly encouraged, so if you
feel like getting involved you can purchase an authentic masquerade costume on
the island.
Vincy Mas
June 30th to July 11th, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
will be celebrating its 40-year anniversary of Vincy Mas. Every day offers
something new for islanders and visitors to partake in. Calypso competitions,
pageants, parades, and authentic cuisine are just some of the events that will
be in the limelight for this upcoming Vincy Mas.
greatest party in the Bahamas will be at its strongest in the capital. The
party takes place every boxing day and New Year’s Day all throughout the
Bahamas. If you’re lucky enough to sail on by, you’ll witness a lively non-stop carnival that just about everyone in the country
participates in. Groups of over 1,000 will perform Junkanoo dances as a
symphony of goatskin drums, cowbells, whistles, and horns fill the air.
Crop Over
is one of the most tourist-beloved countries in all the Caribbean. But apart
from offering flawless beaches and countless water-based activities, every
summer Barbados plays host to the renowned Crop Over festival. From its origins in the 1780s as a way to
celebrate the sugar cane harvest, the festival has blossomed into a circus of
food, Calypso, folk music, and shows like the Cohobblopot. The Cohobblopot is a
flamboyant show consisting of Kadoonment bands and their dancers, all decked
out in Crop Over appropriate attire.
Caribbean Festival is so much fun and enjoy! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this Please post more