Sometimes I think this blog reads like a roller coaster - up ("going to Roatan wooooooooooo") and down ("forgot about a billion things I have to pay for boooooooooo") over and over again. Although, when I stop to think about it, it's really what life has been like lately so I guess at least it's accurate...?We are back on an UP after my lame downer about my tax miscalculations with having two jobs this year. I hadn't taken into consideration that I wasn't getting enough income ...
Living Abroad
Linkity link link.
This post is mostly for me to keep track of some great links I found, but if you stumbled upon my blog looking for tips on how to get out of the 9-5 grind then these will help you too!Vagablonding's travel tips to get good travel deals - looking forward to seeing more from Ariel as she gears up for another trip (bonus - she was in Roatan and you can read all about it on her site!). She has tons of interesting posts (including a video of her eating a fried spider in Cambodia...putting ...