Here's me being on top of things for the month 2 roundup! October 11th marks two months that I've been living here in Roatan. This is officially the longest I've ever been away from home (or "home"...since I don't have one anywhere else now).This is what month two brought...- I gave you some insight on what I do day to day in my life here- I got homesick for the first time in my life- I shared my feelings on how far I've come in the last year ...
No big deal.
PADI tweeted me! That means I'm kinda famous now, right?Make sure to follow me on Twitter to see the latest from Roatan! ...
Back to school, back to school.
As you all learned yesterday, I'm now a divemaster and already slugging away at my dive instructor course. I'm almost done! AHHHH! On October 18 I will be an instructor. Woah.Wondering what I've been up to lately?The Wifey and I have had a bit of a change in the roommate situation... we now have four more people living here! It's definitely a full house. We have a lot of fun (re: we drink a lot of what we've christened "blackout 151 rum"). We have two American guys, another ...
You’ve come a long way, baby.
Sometimes I sit back and still can't really believe my life now.I live on a little tropical island in the Caribbean.I have absolutely no obligation to do anything I don't want to do until at least December.I spend my days diving the most amazing reef in the world and then I either party at night or stay home and relax and watch the sun set over the ocean.And now... I'm a certified PADI Divemaster!I've come a long, long way.Last week I finally finished my divemaster training. It ...
I can’t believe it.
Wow. I can't believe this happened. But it did.I got homesick. For the first time. EVER.I've never felt homesick during any traveling I've done. I've been here in Roatan for just under two months now and to be honest I'm a little surprised that a pang of homesickness has already hit.Do you want to know what caused it?This.My friend posted this on Facebook and it came up in my newsfeed while I was sitting online at the dive shop, and I felt my throat tighten up and my eyes ...
Day to day.
I have sat down to write this three times now, and have come up with amazing excuses such as washing the dishes, sitting on the couch, and reading the physics chapter of my divemaster book to avoid it. I just keep thinking that I should wait for something interesting to tell you all about. Does anyone really want to know what I do every day here, even when it's not crazy and wild?Of course! That's why you're following along, isn't it? What happens when you leave the cubicle behind and move ...
Roatan Month 1 Roundup
Forgive me for stealing an excellent idea from my travel blogging idol Alex in Wanderland.... may I present to you, month 1 roundup!Now, the idea of a roundup is to summarize all my posts from the month into a neat little package of links so I (and you!) can quickly see what's gone on this month. However, I have failed miserably at keeping this blog updated since I've been here, I don't have much to recap in that sense....but I will let you know what's been happening in point form to ...
I’m really here.
I remind myself of that pretty much every day. I'm really here. I finally did it. And it's going just fine!Before we get started here, I'd like to encourage you to check out a couple blogs that friends of mine are writing:Kelsey at Get Fit. Be Married. is writing the cutest blog of all time about her recent engagement and wedding planning/fitness goals. She even gave me an awesome shoutout in her very first post. I miss seeing her at work every day and this has been a ...
I've been trying to write this for a few days now, but time gets away from you easily here. That, and I still haven't managed to get my hands on a 3G internet stick yet. Always "mañana" at the store. Hopefully this week.So I've arrived and had a ridiculous start to my time in West End, I managed to somehow get absolutely blackout drunk the first night (see photo below regarding my arrival on the board at a local bar). Oops. I don't know how I went to the dive shop the next day for my first ...
Home is where your dive gear is.
Oh hey. Guess where I am? ...