I came across a really helpful guest post that Alex from Alex in Wanderland did for And Then She Saved called 8 Ways to Save Money While Travelling (Part 1 of 2). I am looking forward to reading part 2 of 2! (And I loved seeing the photo in the article of the Salva Vida from Alex’s trip to Roatan!) I am totally addicted to the And Then She Saved site right now… this girl has gotten herself out of over $20K of debt and has a lot of tips for saving (including lots of DIY stuff – love it!) – you can read more about her here. I definitely struggle with spending and I need to be more careful, especially now that I have a big trip to finance.
This week is the week that I have to get a part-time job or I’m not going to make my August deadline. I have no more stuff to sell. If I can’t find one, other options include:
1. Getting a job at a remote camp up north or at a fly-in fishing lodge so accommodation and food are paid for (but I would have to find somewhere to go on my week off)
2. Subletting my apartment with all my stuff in it and moving in with a friend for cheaper rent
3. Stripping
I have just downloaded iStripper, and now I enjoy having the sexiest virtual strippers on my desktop.