Twenty months on Roatan!
And yes, this roundup IS coming to you from Roatan. I received an incredible amount of feedback, comments, suggestions and advice after my post about trying to decide if I should stay here or not. Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment or email me! I took some time off, went diving, went snorkeling, hung out on the beach and tried to chill out a bit which helped to clear my head a lot.
People have been asking and asking what my plan is and what I decided so here it is: I obviously didn’t take my flight home to Canada last week. The reason I didn’t take my flight home is two-fold. One, because I completely forgot that I had promised a friend I would housesit for her and watch her dogs while she goes home for three weeks in April (uh, oops… I’ll blame that one on the rum), and two, because I’m interviewing for a position on a superyacht for the Med season this summer. So if I get that, I’m off to Europe in May. If I don’t get it, I’ll be here until the end of summer, and then I’m planning to go back to Canada for some yet-undisclosed plans that are in the works for another country. So there you have it. Things can change quickly here as I’ve learned, but that’s the plan so far.
Let’s get to the roundup!
2. Posts from the last month:
This month was a little quiet, mostly due to me just about having a nervous breakdown from stress.
- Should I stay or should I go? – pondering if it’s time to leave Roatan.
- one of the best April Fools pranks I’ve pulled in awhile – Rika in Roatan to Rika in Russia! I got so many people with this!
3. Coolest thing I’ve found on the internet this month:
Have you guys seen Scale of the Universe!?!? I’ve been playing with this site ALL DAY. You scroll back and forth using the bar on the bottom and it shows you all kinds of stuff from tiny little atoms all the way back out to the entire universe in relative sizes! My inner science nerd (which is not a very smart nerd) loves stuff like this! Have fun 🙂
So here’s to 20 months on Roatan…. here’s to my cozy apartment, relaxing walks on West Bay beach solo with a beer in hand, welcome rainstorms after months of heat, ripening mangoes, happy divers, spotted eagle rays, a new pink BCD and plans for the fall.
Working on a luxurious yacht would be pretty awesome experience. Just so many places to visit and sunsets to see. 🙂 I would love to travel on such one day. Well as long as it isnt this one but thats another story. 🙂
Thanks Rachel!! We'll see what comes up…things always seem to have a way of changing once I set the intention out there. That's so awesome that you and Colleen got together there – super jealous! I think we are both pretty rad so that must be why she said that 🙂
Haha – neither! But I'd like to fit Indonesia in there somehow 🙂
Thanks Agness!! I am trusting that the universe will send me on whatever is best for me, whether that be the yacht, my current job, or something else in the fall. We'll see!
So glad you found a new plan and are happy with it! I hope you get your boating job. Collen Brynn was in Goa visiting and tells me she thinks we seem similar online haha! I am no science nerd, but am fb messaging your scale of the universe link to my bf who loves that crap! lol
Thanks girl!! I hope I get it too, but if not I'll still spend summer on a tropical island and then head back to Canada with some very big plans for 2015 in place 🙂 And I am scheduling lots of chilling out in my schedule these days, it's making a world of difference (in both my happiness and a lighter wallet, haha).
Oooh, exciting Rika! AHHHH! I hope you get the Megayacht job! But if not, it sounds like you have other exciting alternatives. And I am soooo glad you were able to take some time off and chill out! WOOHOO! That can make all the difference sometimes!