But thank you to all my readers who asked if my nearly 3 week absence on here was due to me running away on another megayacht, a la holidays 2013. Unfortunately, no, I just got totally overwhelmed at work during the new years week and understaffed in a major way, so I was in the water and handling all the administrative stuff and then had to take a little computer-holiday after that was over so my head didn’t explode. I’ve also been battling some ridiculous power outages (like 14 hours a DAY ridiculous) so I had to conserve what little battery power I had on my laptop and iPhone. Thankfully we made lots of money during the holidays, cause mother nature has decided to keep us out of the water by throwing tropical storms our way for nearly a week now, with another on the way. I’m not complaining – it’s finally a decent temperature out (this may have something to do with 40mph winds…)
Here’s a couple other things I’ve been working on – videos! I’m trying to put my GoPro to good use and make short video previews of all our dive sites, so that I can send it to guests before they arrive if they want a ‘sneak peek’, and to have playing in the shop on a loop so that walk-ins can check out the reef before signing up.
The first is a shipwreck called The Odyssey which is down at 110ft (please note that I’m a diving instructor and wreck specialty instructor, I do not in any way encourage divers to go inside the wreck as I do in the video without the proper training first). The second is a wall dive called Moray Lagoon, and I went lionfish hunting with my boat captain!
If you don’t like them, here is a video instead that inspires both envy and the sense that this is kinda wrong coming from a 5 year old…
Awesome, and weird. But still awesome right?
I just love how she doesn't give a damn, she just gets up and does her thing! Awesome!
Thanks for the nice words on the videos! Wish I was making more but I don't spend much time underwater these days…
That girl can get down! I'm a dance-aholic but she beats me hands down even in my hay day. Notice how no one really paid attention to her, I think it's probably just common for them to dance like that. If she keeps it up she could be a really fabu dancer. She was seriously out doing everyone up there.
I can't believe those outages last that long. That's awful. Hope it's gotten better since. Nice vids!
Thanks!! Glad you liked the videos…they are a work in progress as I'm just learning the editing software, but hopefully they will keep getting better 🙂
I was wondering what happened to you! Lovely videos. Probably the closest I'll get to diving any time soon.
Yeah, I remember your pics…I felt terrible that you guys didn't get a good experience here with the dives! It's a seasonal thing here. These videos are from a few months ago. With the winter storms we've been having, the viz is awful again 🙁
Wow, great vis on both those dives! Both times I dove Roatan, it was horrendous downpours above the surface, and while the vis wasn't terrible, it wasn't anything like this!
Oh no! Hope your ear problems resolve soon. That is my worst nightmare 🙁
Thanks Alex!! I'm using the GoPro editing software which is nothing fancy and I'm still really new to it, but I am hoping that I improve as time goes on.
Hahaha so weird but you pretty much still watch the entire thing, am I right??
Awesome videos!! You seriously make me want to go diving right now. Though unfortunately I'm having a bit of problems with my ear that is making it impossible for me to equalize… but anyway, love them!
You did a fantastic job on those videos!!!!!
Right!! It's also a good way for us to sell advanced open water courses and deep adventure dives cause the shipwreck is at 110ft so that's the only certifications we'll accept for people wanting to go there 🙂
Where are you guys gonna be in the coming months?? No diving 🙁 all the more reason to come see me in the Caribbean 🙂
Thanks for the tip! I just used the software online that GoPro designed for their cameras… there's an option for the fade in/out for each clip, and I had them both set at 0.2 seconds (it goes up in .2 second intervals)… any longer and there's a super obvious black screen just sitting there. Any ideas what I should do next time for that??
Love the videos, though I probably shouldn't have watched them because now I am desperate to get back in the water and that's definitely not a possibility for the coming months. Why do I do this to myself?!?
(Oh, one suggestion for the vids—I found the transition between cuts a bit jarring because it was so abrupt and "jerky". I know video editing is a ton of work, but maybe you could experiment with a softer/more gradual fade out in your next video? I feel like it would suit the laid back vibe of diving!)
Nice work on the vids. That will definitely serve the dive shop well. Shipwrecks are so badass.