I thought I was getting the hang of this working 70-80 hours a week thing. I wrote a post all about how to work two full-time jobs. I have perfected cooking a week’s worth of breakfasts, lunches and dinners in one night – case in point, here is this week:
I have been keeping all my menu planning for my weekly batch cooking – if anyone is interested just email me. It is mainly vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free food and I only spend about $45/week to feed one person 3 meals a day for a week! |
I cook with that wine, for those of you wondering how that bottle can still be there from last week’s photo of the weekly cook-off chez EM.
Fridays are always the toughest, because I leave the house at 8am, work all day at the office, and then I go straight to work at the gelato shop and since it’s Friday, the shop is open until 11pm and I usually don’t get home until after midnight because people think they can come to businesses after they close and get served (nope, not bitter at all guys) so that is always the longest day of the week for me. I came home last night, threw all my stuff everywhere, and ate a few snacks while checking my email and then fell asleep on the couch with my phone in my hand with a Google search still open.
I woke up this morning and found half a jar of artichoke hearts in the cupboard, crackers in the fridge, miso paste and mustard out on the counter (wtf…I didn’t even eat that!), half a cup of uncooked brown rice measured out and tupperware in the bathroom. I have no recollection of any of these things.
It’s a good thing I’m leaving for Roatan next Saturday, it’s looking like I need a holiday!
Shannon OD says
Wow, I would eat so much better when I am in North America if I could get myself into this system. It looks delicious! Happy travels to Roatan, the waters over there are beautiful! 🙂
CubicleThrowdown says
Thanks Shannon! It is good, and I think I've finally got the hang of cooking stuff that freezes/refrigerates well until I need it. It's so nice to come home and have everything already made after a 16 hour workday (not to mention how much money I save)! I actually used to do this before I worked so much, although not as intensely.
And thanks for the travel well-wishes, I absolutely cannot wait to get back to Roatan and go diving!
Dana says
Jill's right – this IS super organized of you! High five for all the hard work you're putting into your plans!
Can't wait to see your Roatan pictures 🙂
CubicleThrowdown says
I am feeling guilty now because I am neglecting my cooking duties this week – I have a couple lunch dates, a work lunch that's paid for and a friend taking me for a dinner she owes me, and I'm leaving for Roatan on Saturday so I gave up and just watched Netflix last night instead of cooking this week so I will have to eat out. But normally I am super organized, I swear!
And yes, there will be LOTS of Roatan photos coming… I am heading on the search for an underwater camera today, so there might even be scuba photos!
Jill says
I am very impressed by this level of food preparation! And it all looks delicious.
CubicleThrowdown says
Thanks Jill! It is a bit of a necessary evil…if I want to eat, and I don't want to spend money on eating out, I have to do this. I get two nights a week from 5pm until I go to bed to do EVERYTHING for the next week – cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. so I have to be organized! It's the first time I've been thankful for my OCD 🙂