I never, ever thought people were going to read my blog.
I was never planning for it to get as big as it has, and comparatively it isn’t even that big. I was shocked the first time an advertiser approached me, and had to put my big-girl panties on and ask other experienced bloggers what to do, because I didn’t have a clue. Thankfully I’m part of an amazing online community of fellow bloggers, and all the ladies I wrote to went out of their way to show me the ropes.
Now I have thousands and thousands of visitors every month, and some of my friends, family, employers, customers and random internet weirdos that I never originally intended to see this site are reading it. This is fairly common and I’ve seen other bloggers struggle with it as their site grew. I guess it is my turn now.
To everyone who reads Cubicle Throwdown, thank you for being interested in what I’m doing (whatever your motivations for reading). I love that you spend time in your day coming to visit my site and see what I’m up to.
But let me be very, VERY clear about one thing:
This is MY blog, and I’m allowed to say whatever I want on it. No one is putting a gun to anyone’s head to check in here and read my ramblings (I hope). If my swearing offends you, DON’T READ IT. If you think it’s boring, DON’T READ IT. If my honesty about my sometimes-questionable behavior is not up your alley, DON’T READ IT. If you just don’t like what I’m saying, DON’T READ IT. If you just don’t like me, DON’T READ IT. You have a choice, use it.
I don’t, and never will, censor myself for anyone on this blog. Not advertisers (I already got kicked out of Google AdWords for my pirate mouth and I don’t care), not my grandparents (who I hope still haven’t found this…haha), not former or current people in my life, not my boss, not anyone. I don’t use it solely as a platform to speak badly of people or businesses or whatever, but I give my honest take on the situations that I deal with in life. It’s my side of the story, and it’s just as valid as the other side. If you want to tell your side of the story, get your own blog and talk about me on it if you want. Most readers will notice I use names on here very sparingly especially if I’m saying something less-than-stellar…. I keep things pretty vague out of respect for that person/business even if I don’t like them. But I have every right to say how I feel about things, and that won’t change.
If you still feel the need to be a hater and leave me some mean comment, I’m gonna use the delete button like it’s going out of style. If you want to say crap about me on Twitter or Facebook or email/message me about how stupid you think I am, go for it. I won’t respond. It doesn’t bother me and I’m sad for you that what I say bothers you so much, but that’s your internet space and you can say what you want.
Haters gonna hate, but they’re not gonna stop me. Haha. I’m going all Miley Cyrus on this shit!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnndd…….end rant. For everyone else who enjoys what I write, you rock and thanks for your support.
Has anyone seen my shoes? I could have sworn I left them in the living room. By the way, have you ever come home and found iguana excrement on your bed? Please advise.
I never understood why people would waste time writing mean angry comments on blogs, but I guess that just shows how small and empty their own lives really must be. Keep on doing what you're doing—loving your salty pirate speak, for what it's worth! 😉
Yeah, I thought it was pretty ridiculous too! Thanks for lovin' the pirate mouth!
Don't change! I like your pirate mouth 🙂
Thank you, whoever you are 🙂 I like my pirate mouth too!
Love you!!!! Not that you're one that I feel the need to say this to but don't ever change for anyone else. Who you are and who you become should solely be for yourself. You took your life into your hands and stepped out of your comfort zone and have been nailing it ever since. You're fantastic!
Thanks Kels, love you too!! I definitely will never change, especially for people who hide behind computer screens to tell me how they feel 🙂
Couldn't agree more! A while ago I wrote a post about the negative effects of sex tourism in Thailand, and I still receive all kinds of emails and comments from men who enjoy said services in which they call me a bitch and tell me that my boyfriend is going to dump me. Completely ridiculous incoherent emails. There's always going to be crazy weirdos who have nothing better to do than spread hate. Good for you for not being afraid to write honestly and be yourself.
People should definitely have a license to internet haha. What weirdos!!
HATERS GONNA HATE! Exactly!!! Ignore those jerks.
Yes ma'am! xx
What's Internet with some random hateful comments from some random strangers 🙂 – Keep being yourself and ignore the negativity.
You're totally right – thanks Jill!
Awesome to hear you sticking up for yourself! Honestly that boggles me that people would actual take time out of their days to send you negative e-mails & such… Just ridiculous. Go outside & experience the real world… Which is exactly what you're doing & that probably infuriates them even more 😉 But anyway, just thought I'd say I find the pirate mouth kind of refreshing! Your blog is that much for relatable (& one of my new favourites). Keep it up girl! x
Thanks Jacquie! Yeah, I find it pretty incredible that people have nothing better to do, and that some crap I write on the internet (it's not like it's the New York Times people!) affects them so much. Oh well. Glad you are enjoying it! Likewise!
Well said!
Thank you!
Your mom is officially my new favorite person. See comment above. Also, we all love your pirate mouth and you should keep rockin it!
Hahaha yep I have a pretty badass mom. Thanks Amanda!
well, what Linda said….and also just a validation from me. You DO have a pirate mouth, you DO say some shit that sometimes people have trouble hearing, and you DO shoot from the hip. And yeah…so what? The only thing you may have to concern yourself with is if your grandparents do ever find this blog…and then it's me who is in the deep stuff, not you! 😉 So no worries girl, you keep being who you are. I love you!
love, your Mom <3 [sure hope that heart works like you taught me!]
Thanks mama! Yes I DO!! And yes I also hope they don't find it. I love them, but I don't think they'd enjoy what I have to say on here 🙂
That heart only works on Facebook so don't worry <3 I still know what it means and so does everyone else!
YOU GO GIRL!! I love you, nothing weird, and Miley! Esp. your pirate mouth and her videos and her VMA performance. I am a 51yr old lady, and you are both young, eager and electrically alive! Any negativity people put out into the world, net or in person, just comes back to them. I agree, just keep being you, I think you Rock!
Aw thanks Linda! Much love to you too 🙂 I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for having my back!
Well, it's about time for you to head back to paradise! Have a safe trip back and don't worry about what the haters say. Otherwise you're giving them exactly what they want! See you soon.. Joe –
Thanks Joe!! Yeah, I won't worry too much 🙂 I emailed you about the flight thing. See you soon!
AMEN girl. Do whatchu want!
Yeahhhhhhhhh thanks Alex! Everyone should be able to write what they want on their own blog without jerks saying terrible things for no reason. I hardly talk any shit on here at all – people should hear me in real life haha.
Wow, you have people that respond that negatively? I'm surprised, and yet I'm not. There are people who just get their panties in a knot over nothing. The good news is that you get people fired up, and that is kind of exciting. I love your pirate mouth. Never change.
Thanks Colleen! Yeah I have been getting all kinds of nasty comments and emails lately, people don't like my swearing, people think I'm stealing jobs from locals in Roatan, people think I'm saying bad stuff when I'm not. It's crazy. Although you're right, they're giving me a lot of power to get them riled up 🙂