Right now the only thing I’m interested in is getting in my giant bed, cuddling up in my big down duvet and not moving for about 60 hours. Oy vey. I am continually amazed at how I function every day on 5 hours of sleep a night. The human body can adapt to pretty much anything I guess!
And here’s a tip of the day for those of you lucky enough to never have had to work in the service industry: when a store/restaurant closes at 10pm, it’s fucking closed at 10pm. And unless you’re my mom, you’re definitely not special enough for me to want to stay late and work for free just because you couldn’t get your ass down here in time. If the place is closed, get out… did it ever occur to you that the people who work there want to go home to their families or their dogs or their friends or their beds?? Closed means not open for business, and not open for you. It’s not rocket science people. If I’m nice enough to still serve you after we’re closed, don’t get snotty at me for not giving you over-the-top service and no, I’m not unstacking the chairs and tables so you and your rugrats can sit down and make a mess, take your plastic cups and eat somewhere else – this food is portable and you don’t need to be in here to eat it. I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain this kind of stuff to people but this happens EVERY SINGLE NIGHT at the gelato shop so there’s your public service announcement of the day, courtesy of Cubicle Throwdown. Go out and be kind to minimum wage employees. You should see the service my good customers get!
Also, happy news = I only work 29 hours at my part-time job next week, thanks to a Saturday and Sunday starting at 5:30pm instead of 2:30pm. These extra few hours will do wonders for me (seriously!) and I am feeling much better about the upcoming workweek. More happy news = I finally got in touch with some friends in Roatan and I have more than enough places to crash for the week. I can either save the $100 I budgeted for a hotel, or go on another 3 fun dives… decisions decisions!
The things we do in order to pursue our true passions, eh? I can't imagine juggling a job on top of school right now (which, I realize others certainly have worked jobs while finishing up their PhDs, but I am thankful every day I actually get paid to go to school!), so I am truly amazed at how much you have been working so that you can live your dream! But I'd say that also entitles you to being a little crabby too…
And now I feel guilty for the time I stayed 15 minutes late at REI picking out my backpack for our trip. Does it count for anything that I then put down a whole chunk of change on my way out? 😉
It is still a bit unbelievable to me as well, I have never worked too hard for anything so far in life, and this is really crazy. It helps to know that it's temporary and will have a huge payoff! I'm not sure if I can blame the 75 hour work weeks on the crabbiness – I had the same sentiments in my customer service jobs in high school and university. I just want to go home after a long day at work!! I don't know if they work on commission at REI but you are definitely forgiven if they do 🙂 I am much nicer to the late-comers who tip!