Sometimes on our day off we go fishing and I hand reel in a tuna. No big deal.
(I haven’t watched this video with the sound on yet because my speakers aren’t working, so apologies in advance if my potty mouth makes an appearance. What can I say, I’m drunk and fishing on a boat.. isn’t that a free pass for f-bombs?)
Awesome. I've never even caught anything on a hook!
Love the sound as the camera goes underwater!
That's what it sounds like in your ears too when you go underwater!!
Wow what an awesome video!
Thanks Andi! I'm happy my roommates have GoPros to capture me doing awesome stuff like this 🙂
I love that you showed the reel in from under water. No potty mouth. I was kind of hoping for some though.
Very cool hey? Makes me want a GoPro for Christmas! Surprising on the no potty mouth…I think that was just lucky timing. I'm usually full of terrible words 🙂