Things are easygoing right now, so I’m doing my best to enjoy it. It’s hard to believe that in a week from today I’ll be waking up for the first time in Roatan. I’ll be hot and sweaty and disoriented, and then once the fog clears I’ll realize that I just woke up in my new place…and I’m going diving… and I’m not going anywhere for a long time.
These are my last few days in Vancouver…. my last sushi, last sunset at Kits Beach, last dinner with a friend, last appointments and last-minute shopping. I had a very embarrassing time at Whole Foods the other day when I realized it was the last time I’d be shopping there, and then I started wondering what I would do in Roatan without organic kale and umeboshi vinegar (yes, I’m one of those people) and my eyes welled up. I am going to chalk this up to being sleep-deprived and stressed about this trip, and hope that I wasn’t actually crying over vegetables. Although I’m already fairly certain that feeding myself in West End is going to be a struggle based on what I like to eat here and what’s available there. But I’m trying to leave those bridges for when I get to them.
Does anyone else feel like you find the best things in your city right before you leave? My best friend/current roommate (in the sense that I’ve been sleeping on her couch for a week already, that makes us like roommates, right?) and I found a vegan Vietnamese place that right by her house tonight, and I was wishing I would have discovered it sooner than 5 days before leaving the country. We sat and had the most delicious bubble teas while sweating in the Vancouver “heatwave” and I realized I am really, really going to miss my friends. I’ve been so busy going like a full-speed train at this dream that I didn’t give myself time to think about things like that. Shit. Thankfully most of my friends are used to me being a hobo gypsy by now.