Oh, this poor little post.I've sat down to write this maybe 10, maybe 20 times? Never got past the first sentence.I haven't posted anything, really, on my site since the beginning of February. Before that, I had couple posts in three or four months. I'd love to say I've been busy with my job, or traveling, or a new hobby - but the reality is none of that is true.What has been happening, though, is I've been struggling with my health.Since arriving in Japan, I haven't been feeling 100%. ...
Real Talk
Stop Calling it a Jamaican Accent (Dear Islanders: I’m Sorry)
My diver is yelling at me."Rika! Rika! He has such a strong Jamaican accent, I can't understand what he's saying! Rika, what did he say to me?"I instantly cringe and throw profuse apologies with my eyes at my boat captain, who lets out a weary sigh, rolls his eyes, giggles, and continues helping my diver with his gear. This is his daily life on an island full of people who just don't understand.it was not any of these divers :)I heard things like this every day on ...
Where Does Wanderlust Start?
When I was seven, I was enamored with a book series in my school library. There was a whole shelf of tiny yellow-bound books that detailed an adventure, and every book was a different destination. They were old - maybe from the 60s or 70s? - but I loved them. I was just a little kid living in Nova Scotia, and I had already moved three times from the west coast of Canada to the prairies and then out to the east coast. When you're a military brat, you get used to having a new home in a new city ...
Homesick for Somewhere That’s Not ‘Home’
I am a crier. People who know me, know this. I cry in children's movies (Finding Nemo is a nightmare for me), I cry when I see cute old couples on the train, I cry when adorable fluffy puppies clamber up my legs, I cry at all the images on the news of war-torn countries and shell-shocked kids. I am a crier. Do not play that goddamn Sarah McLaughlin SPCA commercial around me.I also recently found out that I cry when I'm homesick. I have never been homesick before, so this one is new to me. When ...
Should You Do a Cubicle Throwdown Like I Did?
Guys, I see you.I see you landing on my site after Googling, "how to move to Roatan". "How to move to another country". "How to work as a dive instructor in another country". "How much do divemasters make". (That one is easy. Not much.)I feel ya dudes. I did those Googles too. And about 755,000 more.I know what it's like to look around your office and see people who have been there longer than you, and thinking, "is this all I have to look forward to in my life?" I know what it's like to ...
The End of an Era
At this time I'm usually trying to whip up a belated roundup post, but there wasn't anything to round up. I haven't written any posts. I wasn't even on Roatan. And a lot of big things are happening. So this post is an ode to the end of an era instead.Let's get to the point: I'm leaving Roatan. For good.It's not an easy thing for me to write. Putting something out there like that on my site seems so final, and set in stone. My readers who have followed me on this crazy adventure know that ...
A Canadian Winter
It's been a long, LONG time since I've been in a real Saskatchewan-style Canadian winter.And I don't even think I can call this one a 'real' one, as it's been one of the mildest I've seen in my life. The photo above is from my first day here in January and it was nearly -30C... but now we don't even have snow (the photo below is from yesterday). However, rocking up from the Caribbean tends to make anything under 25C feel a little chilly.Everyone here keeps asking me what the hell I'm doing ...
What Type of Diver Are You?
I've been diving around the Caribbean for about four years now, and in that time I've met thousands of divers. Yes, literally thousands.Part of what makes being a divemaster fun is getting to know new people each and every week (and also the return of some favorites once or twice a year). That being said, while the people are all different, you do tend to see similar types of divers.This list was brewed by some fellow dive pros and I during random conversations over the years, but I've ...
Dutty Love, Drunk in Love or Delusional Love: Dating on the Island
One of the first things that readers ask me when they meet me in real life is: why don't you ever post about a boyfriend/dating/etc.?accurate.Other than the fact that this part of my life is usually not very entertaining (you can read my girl Shannon's recent post if you want to see a somewhat similar rundown), it's something I've always been hesitant to put out there for the world to see. Since I started this site, I've seen many other bloggers include this part of their life online, ...
Ten Truths About Being 30 & Living Abroad Solo
We're gonna get straight into the nitty-gritty here folks. I turned 30 this year after three years of living the expat life solo, and I've learned a thing or two (or 10). Sometimes it fucking sucks and sometimes it rocks my socks. So I made a list for you, because I'm a nice person. Or because I'm a bit snarky sometimes. Who knows.me turning 30 abroad solo credit: jackson photographyHere are five shitty truths about being 30 and living abroad solo:1) You will check Facebook daily, ...