My month 12 roundup is coming to you live...from... my parents living room in Canada!I'm home on holidays for 3.5 weeks to attend some weddings, birthdays, family reunions, etc. and also eat literally everything. It is really strange being back here after a year away, but I'm just trying to enjoy it while I can. (I'm already looking forward to getting back to Roatan and into the water....shhhhhh!) I'm so happy I can be here to see my friends and their milestones but ...
So, Vancouver. We meet again. (On returning home a year later.)
Well, I'm in Vancouver. This has been the weirdest day. As soon as I flew out of Roatan this afternoon and arrived in Houston, I got completely overwhelmed and almost had a panic attack in the airport. There were SO MANY PEOPLE. And SO MANY STORES. And everything was SO CLEAN. And everything was moving SO FAST. And why is everything SO LOUD?? I can't believe how used to island life I had gotten. Culture shock!!Waiting in line for immigration was incredible for me... everyone around me was ...
Badass business cards from Moo Printing!
I'm getting pretty excited to head to Canada on holiday in FOUR short days! I can't think about it too much or my head will explode with everything I want to do there. High on the list right now is: drinking water out of the tap, taking a bath, eating sushi, walking around at night and of course, seeing my friends and family (after sushi). So in the interest of not exploding my head, here is something completely different for you:Anyone who knows me in real life will know I'm not the ...
10 Things to Do in Vancouver, BC (If You’re Broke, But Awesome)
So I promised my good friends Emma & Ed over at Stuff & Things who I met on Roatan that I'd send a list of cool (but cheap or free) things to do in Vancouver, BC (my adopted hometown) for their trip. Mostly eating though, cause Ed loves food and I love food, so yeah. Then I figured, why not share it with you all as well?a spring day in vancouver - walking from kitsilano to downtownIf you don't have much cash and you want to eat good shit and see cool shit in ...
Roatan Month 11 Roundup
Every time I do these monthly roundups, I can't believe how long I've been away. ELEVEN MONTHS! WOAH! Hard to believe when I arrive in Canada next month I'll have been away for a year. To be honest, I didn't actually think I'd make it here this long. It's crazy and I'm still so proud of myself for deciding I wanted to move down here and be a dive instructor...and now I'm doing it.So what went down this month:I did a guest interview with my friends at 20 Years Hence - go take a ...
I am not a tree. (On changing my house, and other things.)
If you don't like where you are,change it.You are not a tree.I read the above quote on my friend Amanda's blog and first I laughed. Then the absolute simplicity and truth of it exploded my brain. Think about it, and then really think about it. Unless you're actually a tree (in which case, kudos for getting online and being literate and all that), you have no reason that you cannot change it. Maybe you have reasons you won't change it, or don't change it. But don't ...
Lady Luck is a Mermaid.
I've talked before a few times about how lucky I've been here, and how expat life here is like a roller coaster with some pretty big ups sometimes. Well, lady luck has been visiting me again...and this time underwater!In the past month, several times I was not supposed to have been on certain dives... I pestered my co-worker to switch, or got on a different boat because my student asked to switch, etc. And holy crap, have I ever been rewarded!First... a pod of 30 wild dolphins ...
All Things Edible – My Guest Interview at 20 Years Hence
I've been interviewed again! This time by the amazing duo Steph & Tony of 20 Years Hence, who I've been following along right from the beginning of their round-the-world journey. They write some of the most informative and thorough travel blog posts I've ever seen and are super nice and funny to boot. Click here to see my "Chewing the Fat" guest interview over at 20 Years Hence!ceviche and a pisco sour in peru!Thanks again for inviting me to ...
Roatan Month 10 Roundup
WOOHOO! 10 months! Crazy!(image courtesy of sarah) workin hardddddddddLet's take a look at what I got up to this last month:some Saturday link love cause I was hungover and didn't have much to say that day. Yep. Classy broad right here. what ended up being a VERY popular post - how much I make as a dive instructor on Roatan and how much it costs to live here ... pretty much the exact info I was looking for before I moved here, and never found, ...
You live in Honduras and don’t speak Spanish? Que??
I would say the #2 question* people always ask me when they find out I live in Honduras is: "So you speak Spanish then?" And then I feel guilty and ashamed for about three seconds, because the answer is "not really". BUT! I do live in Honduras.... however, I actually live off the coast of the mainland on an island called Roatan. A quick peruse of Roatan's Wikipedia page lets you know that the local islanders of Roatan are mostly of European and ...