The month 3 roundup is a little delayed because of two awesome reasons that happened right at the 3-month mark:1. I did a guest interview with 30Traveler about what renting a house in Roatan was like, and it went live on the site that day. It was really fun - thank you 30Traveler!2. I made some major cubicle renovations and now have a pretty new design for you all to look at!Here's what else happened in the last month:I took you all on a night out ...
Renovating the cubicle.
Welcome to the new cubicle!This little blog has been around for 9 months now and in the theme of that timeframe, I am starting to think of it more and more like a baby. I have to take care of it, interact with it, and put work into it for it to grow.I have big plans for Cubicle Throwdown, however we all know first impressions are the most important, so on my to-do list first was a little cubicle redecorating.Being on a tight budget meant that a custom blog redesign was unfortunately out ...
Want to see where I live? Guest interview with 30Traveler!
Now, today is the day for the monthly Roatan roundup, but it's going to be delayed due to exciting news - I did a guest interview at 30Traveler and it just went live, so I want to share it with all of you!AHHH! My bedroom is on the internet!Head over to 30Traveler to see the interview and all about where I live!Massive thanks to 30Traveler for including me in this awesome series! ...
A night out in West End.
Hey. You're cute. Wanna come out with me tonight?For the record, West End is small. Like, REALLY small. Like a 1-mile road along the beach and that's the entire village. So we have to make a lot of our own fun here.This aerial photo shows basically the whole place (check out the source link for more info about West End).(source)I know you're all dying to know what I do with my one night off a week. So here it is, in photo format, with the tamest photos I was comfortable ...
Here or there?
Things are strange. Things might change. That is all for now. ...
Lazy days.
It's been a really, really nice week.I passed my dive instructor exams and spent this week doing speciality instructor courses. It was much more chill and I got some fun dives in, which I was missing like crazy. I always tell people diving is my yoga - I have a hard time getting 'zen' in my life, but as soon as I hit the water and start going down my brain finally turns off and gives me a break for 55 minutes. Someone at the dive shop was talking about underwater ...
I DID IT!!!!!!!
I have lots to say, but for now I'm exactly as I thought I would be (in this post). So for now....I'm a PADI dive instructor!! Here's me and my Roatan family celebrating (one of my roommates did the course with me so that's his certificate too).It's been a reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyy long road, but I did it. I'm SO happy! ...
It’s here.
The end of the instructor course is today, and I'm already an Emergency First Responder Instructor as of this afternoon... I have written and in-water exams the next two days and then it's (almost) over! I am going to do my specialty instructor courses next week, then do some fun diving, and then take a week out of the water to let my legs heal. They are still destroyed and they are a lot better when I stay out. Then it's time to find a job - I'm still a little unsure of how that's going to go. ...
The countdown is on.
I don't have much to say today. I'm having a stressful time with everything except my dive instructor stuff. I only have two more days in the classroom/water and then Thursday the instructor exams start. I wish I was a little more positive today, but sometimes you just have a bad day.In the meantime, here's a photo of me being a rockstar with two Caribbean reef sharks (see if you can find both). I'm on the left. Enjoy. ...
And then what?
When I wake up a week from today, I will be hungover, probably missing my shoes, in an unfamiliar bed, and looking absolutely terrible. But - I will be a dive instructor! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!My instructor exams are next Thursday & Friday. It is absolutely blowing my mind that after next week I'll have reached this goal that I've been working so hard towards since February. I've been so focused on this for so long that I just realized I've given almost no thought to what I'm ...