Want to know all about rent in Roatan? Here's the latest in my Roatan Rent series! (You can check out the $350/month one and the $400/month one for more posts on this topic.) Hello from my new office!! this is my dining room table. it's on my deck!One of the most common questions I get emailed is, "how much does it cost to live on Roatan?" While I've answered this a couple times already, I know people have different budgets and price ranges than I do. However, ...
Roatan Month 18 Roundup
18 months!!! A year and a half!Oh, and also, yeah, I'm alive. Thanks for all the concerned emails :) I moved from the jungle back to town and I was busy with moving and then going out and seeing all my friends that I hadn't seen very often in the last 8 months! They'll be a tour of my new place coming up soon and lots of other new stuff as well, so please check back often (I promise it won't be another month - sorry to Carol who I know checks my site daily for new posts!)This one ...
Things I’m Going to Stop Doing in 2014
New Years resolutions scare the bejeezus out of me.If there's one thing I've learned about myself in my 28 years, it's that I fucking suck at sticking to stuff. (Other than checking Facebook maniacally; I've been doing that successfully since March 2007.) Like, I think its a kind of a miracle I even made it through university. I changed my major 4 times in the first year, 3 times in the second year and twice in the third year. Then I wanted to go do a masters in speech pathology. Then I wanted ...
Roatan Review: Casa del Sol
I'm really excited to be bringing you my second Roatan Review!Casa del Sol is a guesthouse located just outside the entrance of West End in Roatan that can accommodate short-term or long-term guests. I personally have been staying here at least once a month for the last 8 months every time I go into 'town' because I have been living too far away to go home after a night out. Casa del Sol used to be managed by my friend Laura which is how I first ended up there, but has been taken over by my ...
Budget Breakdown: Goodbye Jungle!
So I've posted a few things about finances here before. There is my most popular post of all time on Cubicle Throwdown, Tipping Guidelines for Diving on Roatan (or Anywhere) that had quite a bit of money info in it, as well as a detailed Dive Instructor Salary on Roatan post that generated lots of love but also some threats from jerks who wanted to hate on "gringos stealing all the jobs here" (again, to those people: first, read my small disclaimer post, then, get your ...
Roatan Month 17 Roundup
Seventeen months! Did you know that's how long killer whales gestate for?Me neither. But I googled "seventeen months" and that's what the internet says. The more you know...Speaking of killer whales, holy Blackfish. This is some seriously sad business. If you like to visit aquariums, you should watch that movie. Also, someone sent me this video of Kuroshiro Sea tank with good intentions, but literally the first three seconds had me in tears. If you watch this and you think, ...
So it’s 2014 and I’m not on a yacht.
But thank you to all my readers who asked if my nearly 3 week absence on here was due to me running away on another megayacht, a la holidays 2013. Unfortunately, no, I just got totally overwhelmed at work during the new years week and understaffed in a major way, so I was in the water and handling all the administrative stuff and then had to take a little computer-holiday after that was over so my head didn't explode. I've also been battling some ridiculous power outages (like 14 hours a DAY ...
‘Home Alone’ and Coconut Rum: An Expat Christmas
Even though this is my second Christmas abroad, it's really my first expat Christmas. Remember last year how I ran away on a megayacht on Christmas Eve? And then didn't come back for two months? I don't know if that really counted as an expat Christmas last year since I was on a fancy boat drinking endless champagne (woe is me).This year I am at my house, by myself, working as usual. When your job caters to people on vacation, you don't get holidays off.christmas at my ...
Expat Blog Awards 2013!
I've entered this year's Expat Blog Awards over at over at Expats Blog, and I would love for you all to read my entry and vote for me!!You can click the badge above, or follow this link to my entry: Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming an Expat in Honduras.To vote for me, simply leave a great comment on the entry at the link above - not this post on my blog, although you can do that too if you want! They require all comments to be over 10 words to ensure ...
Roatan Month 16 Roundup
Full disclosure - I had NO idea what month it was for the roundup at all. I had to go back and search for the last one!You can always see all my monthly roundups by clicking on the 'roundup' tag below... but here they all are in order: Month 15, Month 14, Month 13, Month 12, Month 11, Month 10, Month 9, Month 8, Month 7, Month 6, Month 5, Month 4, Month 3, Month 2 and finally little old Month 1. Sometimes when ...